How to Participate in the #MakeItWithTurkey Photo Recipe Contest

A new contest was launched, in partnership with Granny’s Poultry Farmers Cooperative, Ltd., the #MakeItWithTurkey Recipe Photo Contest.

The main networks driving this contest are Pinterest and Twitter, but you can also submit a contest entry through email.

Here’s how you can participate to win amazing prizes:

On Pinterest

  1. Follow Manitoba Turkey Producers or Granny’s Poultry
  2. Find a recipe that you like – containing any meat protein
  3. Once decided, click ‘Send’
  4. Type in Manitoba Turkey Producers or Granny’s Poultry
  5. In the message, type in #MakeItWithTurkey
  6. Click Send

On Twitter

  1. Follow Manitoba Turkey Producers or Granny’s Poultry
  2. Find a recipe or photo of a recipe that you like – containing any meat protein
  3. Once decided, Tweet the recipe name and use #MakeItWithTurkey

By Email

  1. Find a recipe or photo of a recipe that you like – containing any meat protein
  2. Once decided, email the recipe name and use #MakeItWithTurkey

That’s it!

If your entry is selected, our Chef will recreate the winning recipe for the Spring 2017 Celebrate with Turkey recipe booklet, you will be entered into the draw to win $500 in grocery gift cards AND you will receive recognition in the booklet.

Good Luck!